
38 persons arrested by environmental officers in Ondo

28 Aug 2022
38 persons arrested by environmental officers in Ondo

Ondo State's monthly environmental sanitation on Saturday saw the capture of no fewer than 38 people.

Following their arrest in various locations throughout Akure, the state capital, the offenders were charged to court for the proper punishment, according to the General Manager of the Waste Management Authority, ODSWMA, Mrs. Ayo Adeyemo.

Adeyemo, on the other hand, praised the people for adequately complying with the exercise.

Adeyemo urged residents to maintain good hygiene practices and make it a daily ritual in order to fend off infections, but he also urged them not to throw garbage in canals and drainage systems in order to prevent flooding.

“This is the rainy season, I want to advise the good people of our State not to dump their waste in drainage systems and canals because they will be blocked, and this will lead to flooding.

“So, to avert flooding let all of us keep to sanitation rules and regulations.

The way we treat the environment will determine how it treats us. To maintain healthy living, we must take care of our environment.


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