Nigeria News

Abia church refuses to wed couple over pregnant bride

27 Nov 2023
Abia church refuses to wed couple over pregnant bride

Yesterday, the priest of the Assemblies of God Church, identified as Reverend Eze Ogba, refused to marry a groom and bride due to rumours that the bride was pregnant, causing confusion at the church in Ehere, Ogbor Hill, Aba, Abia state.

Vanguard learned that Mr. Isreal Kennedy and his wife, Miss Rose, along with their family members, had stormed the church in anticipation of the ceremony, which was scheduled to take place following church service.

Nevertheless, it was alleged that the bride's pregnancy was discovered through a pregnancy test that the church had ordered. The Church's priest declared that the wedding was called off in the wake of the events.

Confusion reigned in the church as the bride, who was being questioned by the priest and maintained her innocence, was being interviewed while the families scrambled to get the church board to reverse the decision.

It was rumoured that the families of the bride and groom attended a nearby church where the wedding was performed. The reception ceremony was held at the new church as well.

It is customary for the Assemblies of God Church to refuse to perform weddings for expectant brides, regardless of their social status, according to a church member who chose not to reveal his identity in print.

He said; “It is the tradition of the Assemblies of God Church not to wed pregnant brides, it is not a new thing. The groom and bride who presented themselves for the wedding knew that the Church could not join them in matrimony because the bride was already pregnant. They were to be joined after the service when the result of the test ordered by the church would have been ready. After conducting the pregnancy test on the bride, the church found out that she was pregnant and announced that the wedding was cancelled.”

Given the enormous sums of money that the families spent getting ready for the wedding, some churchgoers felt that the church should have officiated the ceremony and then punished the bride and groom.

According to Vanguard, in line with the Church's Constitution, the bridegroom and himself were subsequently suspended.


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