
Adefunke Adeyemi Appointed as New Secretary General of AFCAC

18 Jul 2022
Adefunke Adeyemi Appointed as New Secretary General of AFCAC

The African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC) has appointed Ms Adefunke Adeyemi as the Commission's new Secretary General.

According to a press release from the panel, Ms. Adeyemi's election was announced on July 15, 2022 at the 34th AFCAC Plenary Session in Dakar, Senegal, and it was added that the new Secretary General will succeed former Secretary General Mr. Tefera Mekonnen, whose term of office ended in January 2022.

AFCAC said: “The Bureau and Secretariat of AFCAC have the honor to inform AFCAC Member States, International Organisations, Partner States and all aviation and related stakeholders that Ms Adefunke Adeyemi has been elected as the new Secretary General of the African Civil Aviation Commission ( AFCAC)".

"MS. Adeyemi's election as the new Secretary General of AFCAC was announced on July 15, 2022 at the 34th AFCAC Plenary Session in Dakar, Senegal. The new AFCAC Secretary General succeeds the former Secretary General, Mr. Tefera Mekonnen TEFERRA, whose tenure ended in January 2022, after which Ms. Angeline Simana headed the AFCAC as interim Secretary General.

“Adeyemi commented shortly after her election that her aim was to build on the progress already made by previous AFCAC General Secretaries and teams to see a new dawn for change through positive action for the AFCAC and African aviation. "


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