
Adidas unveils the Champions League ball featuring the peace slogan for the Ukraine war

24 May 2022
Adidas unveils the Champions League ball featuring the peace slogan for the Ukraine war

  Adidas has unveiled the official match ball for the Champions League final, which features a message of 'peace' in a clear reference to the war in Ukraine.  Liverpool and Real Madrid face off in the European spectacle at the Stade de France in Paris on Saturday night. The German sportswear unveiled the ball on Tuesday. However, the ball is presently not for sale but will be auctioned off with proceeds from the sale going to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency. In a further reference to the ongoing war in Ukraine following Russia's invasion of the country, the ball is inscribed with the word "Peace" in both English and the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet used for the Ukrainian language. The ball's panels are also deliberately white rather than coloured, having a similar meaning to peace, "unity" and neutrality.


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