Foreign Affairs

Anambra govt seals orphanage trading babies for money

17 Aug 2023
Anambra govt seals orphanage trading babies for money

Following allegations of illegal adoption and child trafficking, the Anambra State Government raided the Arrows of God Community Children's Home in the state's Oyi Local Government Area and permanently closed it.

The orphanage was shut down as a result of a documentary report by journalist Fisayo Soyombo of the Foundation for Investigative Journalism, according to Ify Obinabo, the state commissioner for women's welfare and social welfare.

On Wednesday, Obinabo raided the orphanage with the assistance of security men.

According to reports, the orphanage's owner and staff members left and are still at large. Meanwhile, up to 20 children, including a newborn baby, were rescued from the facility.

The orphanage is home to ten boys, nine girls, and a newborn baby, all of whom range in age from one to seventeen.

The commissioner spoke about the situation and denied that her Ministry was involved in the drama surrounding the unauthorised adoption of children. The commissioner also said that Rev. D.C. Ogo, the founder of the orphanage home, had been invited to her office in Awka for questioning but failed to show up.

Obinabo said, “The ministry is not aware of any adoption with the Arrow of God Orphanage Home, and the adoption process never went through the ministry.

"Since I assumed office, all application for court order of adoption or care goes through the designated Children, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Magistrate Court in Awka as against the Nnewi Court order presented in the documentary. This is so because the fundamental goal is to preserve the best interest of the child.”

The Commissioner further issued a warning to other orphanage home operators engaging in illegal adoption in Anambra State, advising them to stop because the state government is taking all necessary measures to take action against those operators. These operators are those who don't follow the state's prescribed and standard operational norms and procedures.

Obinabo also expressed concern about the large number of people who pose as Ministry employees in order to facilitate child sales or adoptions that are illegal.


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