Nigeria News

Arik Air named Best Airline of the Year 2023

01 Nov 2023
Arik Air named Best Airline of the Year 2023

Arik Air was named the Best Airline of the Year 2023 by the Nigerian Air Traffic Controllers' Association during its 52nd Annual General Meeting, which was held at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Port Harcourt.

Head of Corporate Communications Adebanji Ola accepted the award on behalf of Arik Air from Mr. Lawrence Pwajok, Director of Air Traffic Services at the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency.

Arik Air's Chief Executive Officer, Captain Roy Ilegbodu, discussed the significance of the award and thanked the NATCA leadership for acknowledging the airline's modest contributions to the Nigerian aviation industry.

“We appreciate the selfless service Air Traffic Controllers are rendering to the industry and the best we can do as an airline is to offer our support at all times. We cherish the award and wish to assure the association that the airline will not relent in its efforts at providing safe, secure and reliable air services to Nigerians”, Captain Ilegbodu stressed.


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