Nigeria News

ASUU gives two weeks ultimatum, threatens 'no pay, no work'

16 May 2024
ASUU gives two weeks ultimatum, threatens 'no pay, no work'

If the administration of President Bola Tinubu does not provide the teachers at public universities their salaries that have been delayed, the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has threatened to dissolve after two weeks. 

The Federal Government should not be paying academics four months of their 2022 deferred salary and keeping the remaining three and a half months, according to ASUU President Emmanuel Osodeke.

“It’s not about paying four months out of the seven-and-half months’ withheld salaries,” a displeased Osodeke said on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily programme on Thursday. He argued that public universities in the country have so far covered the work for the period that they were on strike in 2022 and should be duly paid.

"Every university in Nigeria today are in the 2023/2024 academic year which means that by September/October, they will be in the 2024/2025 academic year. The implication of this is that all the work for which we were not paid when we were on strike, we have covered them by making sacrifices.

"None of our members have gone on leave in the past three to four years, we have not gone on vacation so that we can cover the work that we didn’t do while we were on strike which we have covered. You can check, ask the students. But when you said you are paying four out of seven-and-half, I don’t think you are being fair to us,” the ASUU president stated, adding that the two-week ultimatum to the government began on May 13, 2024. 


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