
Benefits of Turmeric

26 May 2022
Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a commonly used spice that is gotten from the root of Curcuma Longa. It is used in cooking and it gives curry its yellow colour. Although many people make use of turmeric in their cooking, however, not many people know of its wonderful health benefits.

Turmeric contains medicinal properties and the most common one is known as curcumin. Curcumin is an active ingredient in turmeric. It is a strong antioxidant and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of Turmeric

A natural anti-inflammatory compound: Curcumin in turmeric is a bioactive substance that helps in fighting inflammation.Increases anti-oxidant capacity: Antioxidants protect our body from free radicals. Due to the chemical structure of curcumin, it helps to neutralize free radicals.According to research, turmeric can help to lower the risk of heart disease. It helps to improve the function of the endothelium which is the lining of the blood vessels. The endothelium dysfunction is the major cause of heart disease. This is a situation whereby the endothelium is unable to regulate blood pressure.May help prevents cancer: Curcumin in turmeric has been studied to be beneficial in the treatment of cancer. It has been found to affect cancer growth.Curcumin is also used for the treatment of some skin diseases such as pimples and acne. 

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