Nigeria News

"Breast cancer is no longer a death sentence" – Akeredolu

17 Oct 2022
"Breast cancer is no longer a death sentence" – Akeredolu

Governor Rotimi Akeredolu stated over the weekend that breast cancer was no longer a death sentence if caught early and through routine checkups.

Therefore, Akeredolu urged women all across Nigeria to support the Breast Cancer Association of Nigeria's (BRECAN) mission of raising awareness and promoting sensitization in the fight against breast cancer in the nation.

This came from the governor following a health walk in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State.

He instructed ladies to "guarantee routine breast inspection for early diagnosis and treatment.

The Governor said:” This walk is what I’m used to. We have done it for 25 years non-stop. So, it is a normal thing for me. The idea, as you know, is just to create awareness.

"My message to women out there is that they should follow instructions given by BRECAN, other associations and stakeholders.

“What they are saying is very clear, that breast cancer is not a death sentence. It has treatment. The important thing is catch it early. If you catch it early enough, then you are good to go.

"Someone like the First Lady has had several years back, and that is where we started the BRECAN. So, 25 years after, she is still alive and fit. So, everybody should try and know that breast cancer is no longer a death sentence. If you detect it early, you are alright.”

As part of the Health Walk, Akeredolu and his wife, Chief (Mrs.) Betty Anyanwu-Akeredolu, led other participants in raising awareness of breast cancer and the importance of routine screening to ensure early identification and treatment.

The "Jog for Life" five-kilometre health awareness walk began in the Challenge Car Park and ended at the Akinyemi Area on Ibadan's Ring Road.

The Health Walk was a component of events honouring BRECAN's 25th birthday and 4th International Breast Cancer Symposium.

The National Women Leader of the All Progressives Congress, Dr. Betta Edu, led the runners at the event.


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