Nigeria News

Buhari returns to Nigeria after 4-day trip to Qatar

09 Mar 2023
Buhari returns to Nigeria after 4-day trip to Qatar

President Muhammadu Buhari has returned to Nigeria on Wednesday after a four-day trip to Doha, Qatar, where he participated in the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, LCDs.

At the UN conference in Doha, Mr Buhari joined the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, and other world leaders to mobilise political will, solidarity and actions to transform LCDs.

The conference was aimed at finding sustainable solutions to the challenges of poverty, food insecurity, hunger, weak infrastructure, poor health facilities and climate change, among other problems.

The president, as usual, used the opportunity of the trip to foster closer relations with foreign leaders and promote the nation’s engagements at regional and global level.

He also met with Nigerian professionals residing in Qatar.

On arrival in Katsina, Mr Buhari was received at the Umaru Musa Yar’Adua International Airport by Governor Aminu Masari and his cabinet members and he proceeded to his hometown, Daura, via a chopper.

Garba Shehu, Mr Buhari’s spokesperson, in a statement on Wednesday, said the Emir of Daura, Faruk Umar Faruk and members of the Emirate Council were at the helipad to welcome the president.

Mr Shehu said the president would remain in Daura until after the Governorship and State Houses of Assembly elections.


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