Nigeria News

Buhari says he has done his best to tackle Nigeria's challenge

14 Dec 2022
Buhari says he has done his best to tackle Nigeria's challenge

Nigeria's size and population, according to President Muhammadu Buhari, are contributing reasons to many of the country's problems, but his administration is making an effort in many areas.

The Nigerian leader also stated that his country's youth are its best hope for a better future and that resolving their issues is a top concern.

Malam Garba Shehu, the president's spokesman, said in a statement on Tuesday that the Nigerian leader made this statement while extending a warm welcome to Sheikh Al-Mahfoudh Bin Bayyah, the secretary general of the Abu Dhabi Forum, and Pastor Bob Roberts of the United States, who visited him in Washington, USA.

According to Buhari, the foundation's efforts to advance interreligious understanding are crucial for both the globe and Nigeria.

The president also urged the group to keep focusing on the young people who hold the promise of the future in order to create generations of youngsters free from religious fanaticism and discrimination.

He said: “Your work is very important in helping, especially the youth to understand one another and at the same time, to be proud of their heritage.

”Thihonourat initiative by you will help future generations to plan well and live together in peace.

”On our part, we will continue to solve our problems, especially as they relate to the youths.

"We are big in size and population, facing many challenges, but in many areas, we are trying. In seven-and-a-half years, I have done my best,” said the president.

The secretary-general explained that they had come to notify and invite the president to the presentation of the Abu Dhabi Foundation's award to him in honour of his remarkable contributions to the promotion of peace and security.

He said that the award was in keeping with the foundation's efforts to combat religious extremism and promote interfaith harmony and communication.


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