
Dangote refinery starts aviation, fuel production

13 Jan 2024
Dangote refinery starts aviation, fuel production

The Dangote Petroleum Refinery has started producing aviation fuel and diesel.

Petrol, also known as Petroleum Motor Spirit, has not yet been produced by the refinery.

Anthony Chiejina, the Chief Branding and Communications Officer of the Dangote Group, had verified the start of operations to our correspondent late on Friday.

The Dangote Group clarified that it has "commenced production of diesel and aviation fuel" in an early-morning statement on Saturday.

The Chairman of Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, “elatedly thanked President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his support and encouragement, towards the actualisation of this project.”

According to reports, he also expressed gratitude to Nigerians for their support and belief in what he referred to as the historic project, as well as the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited, the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission, and the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority.

“We thank President Bola Tinubu for his support and for making our dream come true. This production, as witnessed today, would not have been possible without his visionary leadership and prompt attention to details.

“This is a big day for Nigeria. We are delighted to have reached this significant milestone. This is an important achievement for our country as it demonstrates our ability to develop and deliver large capital projects. This is a game changer for our country,” Dangote was quoted as having said.


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