Nigeria News

Doctor raped patient during surgery in Kwara

13 May 2023
Doctor raped patient during surgery in Kwara

The Kwara police command has reported that an Ilorin-based doctor sexually assaulted his patient while doing surgery. A covert recording by the victim revealed that Dr. Ayodele Joseph had "unlawful carnal knowledge" with a nurse whom he had anaesthetized for surgery.

On Friday, Paul Odama, the state commissioner of police, paraded 13 individuals, including Mr. Ayodele, the medical director of the Ayodele Specialist Hospital in Ilorin, for a variety of offences.

The medical professional reportedly committed the horrible murder on May 5, the police chief told reporters.

“On the 5th of May, one female victim (name withheld) a nurse reported that she went to Ayodele Hospital at No. 290, Sawmill Area, Lagos Road, Ilorin for surgery.

“The chief medical director of the hospital, one Dr Ayodele Joseph, during the procedure sedated the patient, which led her to become unconscious.

“Before the sedation, fearing any mishap, the patient activated her telephone and placed it in a vantage position to record the surgery unknown to the doctor.

“She woke up from sleep after the surgery to find herself fully naked and when viewing the recorded video, she discovered that Joseph had unlawful sexual intercourse with her while under sedation,” he said.

According to Mr. Odama, the investigation resulted in the recovery of the videotape of the aforementioned doctor's sexual activity.

He said that the victim's medical checks supported the videotape as well.

“This same suspect had of recent, been arraigned by the Police for the offences of criminal conspiracy, negligent conduct, causing hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others and culpable homicide arising from his unprofessional conduct.

“This resulted in the death of one Nneka Akanike in his hospital, under a questionable circumstance, which led to his being charged to court.

“He would be charged to court again for rape after the conclusion of investigation,” Mr Odama said.


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