Foreign Affairs

Donald Trump vows to free US Capitol rioters if reelected

12 Mar 2024
Donald Trump vows to free US Capitol rioters if reelected

Calling those imprisoned for their involvement in the 2021 attack on the US Capitol "hostages," Donald Trump on Monday promised to release them as soon as he is reelected.

On January 6, 2021, the rioters, emboldened by the former president and his fabrications of voter fraud, stormed the US Capitol in an attempt to stop Joe Biden from entering office.

Based on the most recent data given last week by the Justice Department, in the 38 months that have passed since then, about 1,358 people have been charged. Approximately 500 people have received prison sentences.

In addition, Trump pledged, without giving any specifics, to close the border with Mexico as one of his first actions if reelected in remarks made public on his Truth Social website.

“My first acts as your next President will be to Close the Border, DRILL, BABY, DRILL, and Free the January 6 Hostages being wrongfully imprisoned!” he wrote late Monday.

Trump has already spoken about his fictitious first day in office, promising in a December televised town hall not to impose his will except "other than day one."

It's also not the first time Trump has suggested that his followers who are in jail should be released or referred to them as "hostages."


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