Nigeria News

DSS uncovers schemes to disrupt inaugurations in states

25 May 2023
DSS uncovers schemes to disrupt inaugurations in states

The Department of State Services has revealed that some individuals have plans to interfere with some of the nation's handover ceremonies.

The service claims that these individuals intend to undermine the work of the security authorities and terrorize the populace.

The DSS asked residents to follow the established rules for the activities across the country in a statement issued on Thursday by the service's spokesperson, Peter Afunanya.

The statement partly read, “It would be recalled that the Secretary to the Government of the Federation and Chairman of the Presidential Transition Council on May 18, 2023, held a World Press Conference during which he announced activities for the Presidential inauguration. The major highlight of the activities is the swearing-in of the President on May 29, 2023, in Abuja. On the same date, new Governors will also be inaugurated in most of the States.

The Service is, however, aware of plans by subversive elements to disrupt the programmes in parts of the country. The aim is to undermine security agencies’ efforts at ensuring peaceful ceremonies as well as creating panic and fear among members of the public.

Based on these, citizens, the media, and Civil Society Organisations are advised to adhere strictly to security and civil protocols during the events. ”

He asked unaccredited people to keep away from the inauguration grounds and warned Nigerians to avoid bogus news that can incite violence.

He said, “They are also urged to shun fake news, false alarms, skewed reportage/narratives, and sensationalism that may likely inflame division, tension, and violence prior to and after the exercises. This is more so that such undesirable acts will serve no purpose other than destroying national unity and cohesion.

“Additionally, all unauthorised (and unaccredited) persons are warned to stay away from restricted and certain designated areas at the event venues.


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