Nigeria News

Dubai sentences Nigerian woman to 1-year imprisonment

24 Oct 2022
Dubai sentences Nigerian woman to 1-year imprisonment

Dinchi Lar's family has taken to the streets of Abuja to protest her detention and demand the Federal Government's involvement in the situation. Dinchi Lar is a Nigerian woman who was allegedly detained by the Dubai authorities after tweeting about the mistreatment of some Nigerians at Dubai International Airport, United Arab Emirates.

Lar claimed in a series of tweets that the airport's administrators were arrogant, writing:

“I’m at Dubai international airport, myself and some other Nigerians with valid visas are being held in a room hours after arriving with no explanation and no information on what we can do. Please help me. There’s more than 20 of us, here.

“My sister had to go through immigration to get me released. It was a tedious process. Others are still there and I don’t know their status (sic).

“What happens if you have no family here? Nobody knows what is going on,” she added.

In a response to her tweet, the Federal Ministry of Foreign affairs, issued a statement dated Thursday, September 14, 2022, and signed by the spokesperson of the ministry, M00rs Francisca Omayuli, it read, “The attention of the Federal Government of Nigeria has been drawn to a video on the social media, showing purportedly stranded Nigerians, who arrived the Airport in Dubai, UAE on August 29, 2022, but were denied entry into the country, despite having valid visas.

“The Nigerian Mission in Dubai has clarified that most of the supposedly stranded Nigerians were issued with family visas, only to arrive Dubai alone without any family member.

“The Nigerian Mission in Dubai has clarified that most of the supposedly stranded Nigerians were issued with family visas, only to arrive Dubai alone without any family member.

“Consequently, they were denied entry and advised to return to their country and apply for the appropriate visas.

“However, those persons allowed entry into the country have their family members in the UAE. While those who claimed their family members were on another flight, were told to wait at the airport, pending their arrival,” the statement added.

Travelling Nigerians were further urged by the ministry to be aware of the UAE government's new visa policy, which prohibits it from granting tourist visas to anyone under the age of 40, with the exception of those who are asking for family visas.

After the release made its announcement, they reportedly picked up the woman and have been holding her since September 6, 2022.

According to a tweep, jerrydoubles, tweeted, “It is sad and regrettably heartrending to tell you all that Dunchi was sentenced on 12th Oct 22, to 1yr in jail in Dubai. 

Another tweep, jerrydoubles, tweeted, “It is sad and regrettably heartrending to tell you all that Dunchi was sentenced on 12th Oct 22, to 1yr in jail in Dubai. Her family are devastated and Nigeria didn’t save her.”

According to The PUNCH, research about the social media laws of UAE, and a website, Dubai OFW,  expressly stated that, “ranting or sharing hate posts could lead to serious punishment in the country.

“Six months jail term and a fine of AED 25,000 await those who use social networks for the purpose of defamation of or offending another person or attacking or invading one’s privacy.


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