Nigeria News

EFCC arrests FUTA students in midnight raid

14 Feb 2024
EFCC arrests FUTA students in midnight raid

According to reports, men acting under suspicion as agents of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission conducted an operation around midnight at the Federal University of Technology in Akure, Ondo State.

At around two in the morning, there were reports of an invasion of the student lodges.

On social media, a few students have posted videos and claimed that the men broke into rooms and took some of the students into custody.

Social media users have been sharing videos of shattered window frames that appear to be from a forced entrance attempt.

One social media user named J Brandy wrote, “I thought they said EFCC should not raid at nights again. This hostel (Celebrity Lodge, FUTA ) is right behind mine. When will this endemic? EFCC (officials) moving like thieves at night!”

In one of the films making the rounds on the internet, a man was seen wearing the EFFC jacket.

Ola Olukoyede, the EFCC Chairman, had issued a directive in November to cease nighttime sting operations.

Following the nationwide outcry caused by the EFCC's agents apprehending alleged online fraudsters in Ile-Ife, Osun State, he issued this command.


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