Nigeria News

EFCC raids students' lodges, arrest three in Nasarawa

11 Jun 2024
EFCC raids students' lodges, arrest three in Nasarawa

The Economic Financial Crimes Commission allegedly apprehended over three unidentified people after breaking into the off-campus lodges of Nasarawa State University, Keffi students in the Angwa Karim Area. 

According to other students, the men broke into their compound as early as two in the morning, invading their privacy by keeping them up for what they believed to be an illegal activity. 

Our correspondent received information from NSUK students who said that after being forced to turn in their phones so that their various social network applications could be used for fraud surveillance, EFCC agents damaged their lodge's property and detained more than three residents.

Roland Oba, a student, claimed that because it was late and the EFCC had raided other students' lodges before, it was a terrible moment. Three students were detained in his lodge, he claimed.

“This morning around 2am, some EFCC and police officers vandalised the barbed wires and jumped into the compound through the fence. They destroyed our gate padlock, and they kicked the doors of our rooms with their legs. Our window nets were torn by them so they could survey who was inside.

“They collected my phone and went through it three times; when they did not find anything incriminating on the social apps, they left my room. These men trooped in their numbers and were equipped with tools used to break doors. I am not sure if it is only this lodge, but three boys were handcuffed and nabbed,” Roland said.

Another student, Timi, bemoaned the lack of professionalism displayed by those operators during their raid and related stories of how they harassed other students in his lodge.


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