Foreign Affairs

"Everyone is pushing on me to run" – Donald Trump

09 Sep 2022
"Everyone is pushing on me to run" – Donald Trump

Donald Trump gave yet another signal that he would run for president in 2024, telling Indian television that doing so would "make a lot of people very happy."

"Everyone is pushing on me to run. In a sample from an interview with NDTV that will be aired in its whole later on Thursday, Trump stated, "I am winning in the polls.

“In every poll, in Republican polls and Democrat polls, and I will make a decision in the very near future, I suspect. And I think that a lot of people are going to be very happy,” he added.

The 76-year-old wealthy reality TV star also kept repeating bogus allegations that Joe Biden, the incumbent president, was cheated out of the 2020 race.

“There is tremendous proof, there is tremendous evidence,” Trump said.

The Republican has been under heavy legal scrutiny for both his attempts to have the poll's findings overturned and for his supporters' attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2016.

He has been the most divisive person in America ever since leaving office and is still spreading the lie that he won the election.

The FBI raided his Florida home last month as part of an investigation into possible mishandling of confidential data.

The raid was "one of the most flagrant assaults on democracy in our country's history," according to Trump, who has denied any wrongdoing.

He called Biden an "enemy of the state" in a speech he gave on Saturday in Pennsylvania in response to the vice president's claims that he and his supporters are harming US democracy.


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