Nigeria News

FCTA takes down illegal market in Abuja

29 Aug 2023
FCTA takes down illegal market in Abuja

In Asokoro, Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) officers on Tuesday destroyed an illicit market called "Kasuwan Dare," which they believed to be a haven for criminals and drug dealers.

The market was situated in Abuja's Asokoro Extension on Hassan Musa Katsina Street, close to Kpaduma II.

The unlawful market was becoming a hazard to the locals and bystanders, according to Mr. Mukhtar Galadima, Director of the Department of Development Control, who spoke after the demolition.

Galadima continued by saying that despite the FCT Administration's best attempts to keep the region clean, it had become a refuge for criminal activity.

He continued by saying that the criminal activity in the region was degrading the aesthetic appeal of the surrounding area and that FCTA would not permit it to continue.

“The operation will help us get rid of the hoodlums and drug dealers that have taken over the place. We had demolished the place about three times, but they rebuilt and continued their activities.

“This time around, the demolished market will remain demolished. We need to sanitise the place and enhance the aesthetic quality of the environment.

“It is also part of the current administration’s policy of sanitising the city, and this is one of the areas where we are beginning the exercise,” he said.

The FCTA Command and Control Secretary, Mr. Peter Olumuji, promised that measures will be taken to safeguard the safety of locals.

Mr. Bitrus Yakubu, the village chief of Kpaduma, praised the FCT Administration for saving them and purging the neighbourhood of hoodlums.

“The place has been here for over 20 years, but today it has gone down for our own good. We are very happy as a community that the area is cleared for good,” Yakubu said.


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