Nigeria News

FG begins construction of buildings for displaced people in Benue

10 Nov 2023
FG begins construction of buildings for displaced people in Benue

According to Betta Edu, minister of humanitarian affairs and poverty alleviation, the federal government has started building internally displaced people's (IDPs) resettlement homes in Benue.

In the Makurdi north LGA of Benue, Edu spoke during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Renewed Hope shelter for internally displaced people (IDPs) in the Tatyo and Kyo communities.

She said that in order to help IDPs return to their ancestral homes, President Bola Tinubu has pledged to collaborate with the states.

The minister went on to say that the project in Benue is an attempt to keep the promise to deal with humanitarian crises and poverty.

"Benue people have cried enough, they have struggled enough, they have been in pain enough, President Tinubu says it is time for Benue people to rejoice,” she said.

“To all those who have come all the way from the IDP camps to witness this event, this is the beginning of the journey for your return to your ancestral homes.

“President Tinubu has a points agenda, the first agenda is food security and the people of Benue are key to achieving that.

"Benue is known as the food basket of the nation when we talk about food security, the hope of the nation is on Benue, therefore, we cannot allow the state to go through pain and anguish.

“President Tinubu does not want to keep IDP camps. He doesn’t want the people of Benue to be staying in shanties.

“He wants you to have a dignified house where you can call your home, where you can sleep in peace with your eyes closed, wake up and go to your farm.

“The president is keeping to his promise; we have laid the foundation for the building of the renewed hope shelter for poor IDPs in Benue.

"This project will be completed within six months so that they can immediately return to their ancestral homes.

“Every cluster will have 20 houses; this will allow them to resettle in their various communities. We will buy the materials in Benue and the locals will build these houses themselves.”


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