Nigeria News

Fire destroys 40 shops in Abuja market

17 Aug 2024
Fire destroys 40 shops in Abuja market

On Friday night, a fire completely destroyed a portion of the well-known Kaura Modern Market, which is situated in the Kaura District of Abuja across from the Prince and Princess market. 

About forty stores were destroyed by the fire, which is said to have started at around 11 p.m. on Friday. Foodstuffs, appliances, and home items were lost in the conflagration. 

In a report provided to our correspondent on Saturday, Acting Director of the FCT Fire Service Amiola Adebayo confirmed the incident and said that an electrical spark on a power switch installed in one of the shops caused the fire, which was exacerbated by a generator kept inside the shop where the fire started.

The report also said that combined crews from the Federal Fire Service and the FCT responded to the incident at 11:11 p.m. and eventually put it out at 1:59 a.m. 

The report is written as follows: The property in question is an Open Market block with 39 grocery stores. Food, generators, refrigerators, fruits, umbrellas, electrical equipment, household objects, and a portion of the roof were among the lost items.

“Cause of fire: Electrical spark on a power change-over installed in one of the shops. The fire was put under control by the combined teams of the FCT fire service and Federal fire. Fire under control at 1:59 am.”

However, the Director omitted to mention whether or not the incident resulted in any fatalities or injuries to anyone.


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