Nigeria News

Gunmen attack Kogi community, kill 19 villagers

06 Apr 2024
Gunmen attack Kogi community, kill 19 villagers

In Kogi state's Omala local government area, two communities—Agojeju Odo and Abejukolo—have been overrun by alleged herders. By the time the dust settled, the number of houses that had been destroyed was unknown, but no less than 19 people had died. 

According to eyewitness reports, the incident occurred on Thursday when the bandits organised in what he called a "repraisal attack" and raided the two settlements, causing the greatest amount of damage, our correspondent in Lokoja reported on Friday. 

The peaceful town of Agojeju Odo, Ajokpachi Odo, Bagaji, and its surroundings were targeted by the bandits engaged in a running war with the Agatu militia in Benue state. They easily destroyed agricultural produce in an effort to entice the residents into the struggle.

According to a local who lost his wife and kids, the herders claimed that the villagers were working with the Agatus against them, so they proceeded to wreak havoc on them. In confirming the incident, SP William Aya, the Kogi state police command's public relations officer, stated that "19 people were killed in the communal clashes that occurred on Thursday." 

He also mentioned that soldiers, officers, and members of the counterterrorism unit and state police command had been mobilised to help restore order to the area.

“As soon as we got wind of the incident,the Commissioner of police mobilised all units including counter terrorism unit ,army and other sister security agencies to the area to restore normalcy .As we speak peace has returned to the communities” he said.


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