Nigeria News

Gunmen kill three policemen at Anambra checkpoint

04 May 2023
Gunmen kill three policemen at Anambra checkpoint

Three police officers were killed when gunmen stormed a police checkpoint on Thursday in Umunze, Orumba South Local Government Area, Anambra State.

According to a source in the vicinity, the gunmen fired randomly for more than an hour, generating chaos as locals fled for their lives.

“They operated in an unmarked dark Sports Utility Vehicle and killed the cops at the Joint security checkpoint at Ihite road.

“It was like war. For over one hour, the hoodlums were shooting indiscriminately. I saw three policemen lying dead on the ground during the attack, while others took cover and shot back from a distance. I suspect that some of the policemen also sustained gunshot injuries in the attack.”

DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, a spokesman for the Anambra State Police Command, verified the occurrence.

He said: “It is an unfortunate incident and is part of the highest price security officers pay in serving the nation but the police command is not deterred by this development.

“The reinforcements teams are already in the area and the manhunt for the assailants is ongoing while joint security patrols have been intensified in the area.”


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