Nigeria News

Gunmen wear police, army uniforms for operations in Anambra

11 May 2023
Gunmen wear police, army uniforms for operations in Anambra

A step further has been taken by hoodlums terrorizing numerous towns in Anambra State by securing police and army uniforms within bushes.

In their operations, they make use of the outfits.

When security personnel entered the jungle in Ifite Ogbunike in the state's Oyi local government area, they found the hoodlums' base of operations from which they launched attacks on various communities.

A multipurpose sewing machine, already-made police and military outfits, food items and cooking utensils, as well as charms they believe will protect them, were all found at the site.

Following their removal from the Lilu and Orsumoghu jungles in the Ihiala local government area by security personnel, the thugs reportedly made their way to Ogbunike.

Tochukwu Ikenga, PPRO for the Anambra State Police, described the Ogbunike finding as a significant victory in the state's fight against crime.

Ikenga said: “Following credible information to the Police command from the residents of Anambra, we have identified some of their criminal hideouts/camps.

“The Police operatives attached to Rapid Response Squad, Akwuzu in the earlier hours of today, while in an attempt to rescue two kidnapped  victims, stormed a camp at ifite, Ogbunike, Oyi LGA, 

“The Police neutralized two of the armed men, recovered a black Lexus SUV with a lot of security uniforms, which comprises those of  the police and military.”

Ikenga also claimed that when joint security forces stormed Akwaihedi, Nnewi South local government area, a border town between the states of Imo and Anambra, they ambushed a deadly motorcycle gang of five people who were en route to Anambra for a planned attack or operation and were thought to be members of the Indigenous People of Brafia IPOB and the Eastern Security Network ESN.

He claims that the agents engaged the attackers in a gunfight, killed five of the gang members, and took away two rocket launchers, four Ak47 rifles, a pump-action automatic weapon, four magazines of live ammo, police berets, charms, and other potentially incriminating materials.

He noted that cooperation between the police, military, other security services, and vigilante groups had been extremely helpful in the state's struggle against rebels.

“For us, this is a big positive operation to avert a major planned attack in the state. I urge everyone to cue in and continue to support the security agencies and the state government to bring security stability to the state,” Ikenga added.


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