
I did not see it as a loss, but as a form of recognition– Made Kuti

04 Sep 2022
I did not see it as a loss, but as a form of recognition– Made Kuti

Afrobeat musician Made Kuti, who is the grandson of Fela, has stated he does not contemplate losing his Grammy Award nomination to veteran singer, Angelique Kidjo. Femi, Fela's first son, is his father.

I don't see it as a loss, he stated in an interview with Sunday Scoop. In award ceremonies, a winner must be announced, and it is a difficult assignment for the judges as well. I am aware that a large number of albums would have been nominated before the organizers narrowed the field to the top five.

“Although Kidjo won and I congratulated her, I don’t feel like it diminishes anybody nominated in that category.

“I did not see it as a loss, but as a form of recognition. The fact that my debut album was nominated is enough inspiration for me.”

Made added that starting at the age of 8, he did not particularly enjoy going on tours with his father.

He said, “At that age, one cannot really understand what is special and what isn’t. I went on so many tours and that was part of my life as a child. However, I did not truly appreciate the experience until I had to stop going and focus on school.

“I have been to almost all the continents and major cities in the world. That is what makes me appreciate the love my father showed me. I was not an easy child; rather, I was very troublesome. The fact that he took me (on tours) despite the problems I could have caused him was a huge sacrifice on his part.’’

In response to the question of whether it puts any pressure on him to fill his grandfather and father's roles, he stated, "It does not because they are the ones who inspired me. My father and grandfather are mostly responsible for the inspiration for my songs. They were the ones who gave me the opportunity to find my passion for music. They were the ones who established the musical atmosphere in which I was raised.


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