Nigeria News

ICPC, EFCC to investigate issue of unpaid salaries

20 Jul 2022
ICPC, EFCC to investigate issue of unpaid salaries

The Nigeria Trade Union Congress, TCN, has asked the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission, ICPC, to investigate governors who owe salaries and pensions.

TUC President Quadri Olaleye made the announcement at the 12th Triennial National Delegates Conference in Abuja on Tuesday.

He expressed concern at the large number of states that are in arrears with pensions, salaries and allowances after collecting refunds, bailouts, budget support funds and the Paris debt repayment.

“We condemn it and demand that the EFCC and the ICPC investigate and bring the governors to book.

“We think paying pension entitlements will help curb corruption because if people know they will get their entitlements when they retire, stealing will be stopped.”

Olaleye noted that the governors who claimed they had no money to pay, have money to pay their predecessors and also to fund "their reckless lifestyles."

“For those of them withholding the contributory pension deductions from workers' salaries without remitting same to their Pension Fund Administration (PFAs), we warn that it is illegal and attracts some penalties,” Olaleye said.


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