Foreign Affairs

Illinois State senator Scott Bennett dies from brain tumour

10 Dec 2022
Illinois State senator Scott Bennett dies from brain tumour

Democrat Scott Bennett (D-Champaign) passed away.

The state senator passed away on Friday afternoon, according to the Champaign County Coroner. Thursday found him in the hospital.

The native of Gibson City attended law school at both Illinois State University and the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. Prior to his appointment to the Senate in January 2015, Bennett, 45, worked in Champaign County as an assistant state's attorney.

According to a statement from Bennett's office, complications from a sizable brain tumour caused his death. His spouse, Stacy Bennett, released a statement in support of him.

“Scott lived a life full of service and constantly looked for ways to lend his time and energy to helping our community and state. He worked tirelessly to find solutions to society’s most pressing issues by finding common ground and compromise. To say he will be greatly missed is an understatement.” – Stacy Bennett

Bennett recently collaborated with Rep. Jehan Gordon Booth (D-Peoria) on modifying the SAFE-T Act, and Booth described Bennett's passing as "an unexpected tragedy."

“Senator Bennett’s collegiality and dedication were instrumental to the work of refining and enhancing the SAFE-T Act, and his dedication to his community was paramount. His passing is a sad moment for our state as a whole, and his community, his friends, and his family in particular. We are united in grief with all who loved Senator Bennett and wish peace and comfort for his family.”– Rep. Jehan Gordon Booth (D-Peoria)


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