Inspiring Mileages of Taofik Adegbite
That entrepreneurship is a viable tool to fast-track the development of Africa and consolidates on the gains of a new age is a truism boldly embodied by Taofik Adegbite, the Chief Executive Officer of Marine Platforms Limited.
Business School OPM 44 (in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the United States of America).
Adegbite rose to global acclaim when his Marine Platforms delivered and became the proud owner of the African vision and African inspiration- the two subsea function-specific and Remotely Operated Vessels (ROV) costing $100 million and the first of its kind to be owned by a Nigerian company which also culminated in the first shipbuilding contract between a Nigerian company and a Norwegian Shipyard.
He started his career with the World Bank Agricultural Project Monitoring & Evaluation Unit and also worked on contract with Britain’s National Health Service (Hammersmith Hospital) as a CISCO- certified engineer.
Mr TOAFIK ADEGBITE is Deal Embassy Person of the Week.
We wish you better days ahead.