Foreign Affairs

Israeli Army advises all residents to evacuate Gaza

10 Jul 2024
Israeli Army advises all residents to evacuate Gaza

In a move that many interpret as a precursor to impending new military operations, the Israeli army has ordered all Gaza City citizens to evacuate. 

The request to evacuate the city in the northern Gaza Strip and relocate to the cities of Deir Al-Balah and Al-Zawiya in the middle of the Palestinian territory was made by a military official and was posted in Arabic. 

Along with outlining routes that impacted parties can take to avoid checkpoints, he issued a warning that Gaza City is a hazardous battle zone. 

According to Israeli media, the army had leaftipped individuals in the city to leave early in the morning.

The military has asked people living in a number of the city's neighbourhoods to leave in recent weeks.Strong fighting has since broken out in several of the neighbourhoods, notably Shejaiya. The entire city is subject to the most recent call to evacuate. 

When the battle started in October 2023, Israeli troops were engaged in fighting in Gaza City. 

Fighters from the militant Palestinian Hamas movement have since been attempting to reorganise in that area as well as in other areas of the coastal strip. 

Among those most severely impacted by the destruction over the past few months is Gaza City.


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