
Joe Biden Calls Fox News Correspondent 'A Stupid Son Of A B**ch'

27 Jan 2022
Joe Biden Calls Fox News Correspondent 'A Stupid Son Of A B**ch'

President Joe Biden has called Fox News reporter Peter Doocy to 'clear the air' after he was heard calling the journalist a 'stupid son of a b**ch' on a hot mic following an event at the White House on Monday.

The president made the comment at the tail end of an event meant to publicize his efforts to address supply-chain issues and tackle inflation.

When he finished his prepared remarks, several reporters yelled out questions to the president – who was seated across the long East Room of the White House.

He was caught calling Doocy a 'stupid son of a b**ch' on a hot mic after he asked a question about inflation Monday.

On Monday night, Doocy appeared on Sean Hannity's program to explain that he had since heard directly from the president who had called his cellphone.

Doocy said that initially, he did not hear the president's insult.

'My reaction was delayed because as you can see the Biden staff were ushering us out. They were telling us thank you, time to go. It wasn't until we went to the basement and then outside and then back to the press room that somebody said "Hey, did you hear with the president said about you?"

I said no, "What did he say?",

"He called you a stupid sob."

And I said "I did not hear that", and I opened up my phone and... he did!' Doocy explained.

The 34-year-old White House Correspondent then told how the president reached out to him around one hour later.

'After years of clips of the president and I kind of mixing it up on the campaign trail and during the transition here at The White House, within about an hour of that exchange, he called my cell phone and he just said "It is nothing personal, pal."

'And we went back and forth and we were talking about moving forward and I made sure to tell him that I'm always going to try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking.

'And he said, "You've got to."

'And that is the quote from the president, so I will keep doing it.

Biden spoke briefly about his call with European leaders about the Ukraine crisis when asked for an update by CNN's Kaitlan Collins – but first scolded the press.

'The only reason I don't like doing this is you never report on why I've called the meeting. This is really important. I had a very, very, very good meeting. Total unanimity with all the European leaders. We'll talk about it later,' Biden responded.

Then Doocy, who was being ushered out, asked: 'Do you think inflation is a political liability [ahead of the] midterms?'

Biden was then caught on a hot mic muttering: 'That's a great asset. More inflation. What a stupid son of a b**ch.'

The comment distracted from the event Biden hoped to feature, having gathered the Treasury Secretary, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and other top administration officials.

The broadside came days after Biden mocked another Fox news reporter, Jacqui Heinrich, 'Why are you waiting on [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to make the first move, sir?'

'What a stupid question' Biden responded.

'You're going to be known as the stupid SOB guy,' Fox host Jesse Waters told Doocy as hosts on Fox News 'The Five' laughed about the episode after Doocy rushed on-air to provide a play-by-play.

'So I shouted… 'Okay, what about inflation? Do you think inflation is a political liability in the midterms?' Doocy explained during his appearance. 'I couldn't even hear him because people were shouting at us to get out. But somebody came up to me in the briefing room a few minutes later and said, 'Did you hear what the president said?' And I said, 'No, what?' They said, 'He called you stupid SOB.' And I said, Did he say 'SOB' and the person said, 'No.'

'So Doocy, I think the president's right, you are a stupid SOB,' Watters quipped.

'Yeah, nobody has fact-checked him yet and said it's not true,' Doocy replied.

Making the episode all the more unusual was Biden's own habit of regularly calling on Doocy at the event of events, including at his marathon press conference last week.

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