Nigeria News

Kano police arraign seven protesters for staging protest

27 Nov 2023
Kano police arraign seven protesters for staging protest

Seven protesters who were detained for organising demonstrations and trying to incite trouble over the state's Appeal Court ruling have been charged, according to the Kano State Police Command.

Five men and two women who were protesting were charged in court with the intention of acting as deterrents, according to Commissioner of Police CP Mohammed Usaini Gumel, who revealed this information during a press conference.

CP Gumel went on to express concern about the actions of some anonymous groups that were determined to stir up trouble and destabilise the state while disguising themselves as various legal associations.

But he cautioned that they would face immediate arrest and prosecution from the police.

According to him, “In our continued efforts to maintain peace and order following the Appeal Court ruling on the Kano State governorship election, the attention of the police command has been drawn to a planned protest by some faceless political groups who are currently hiding under the guise of different lawful associations, one of which is the Kano traders’ association.

“Already, the leadership of the Kantin Kwari, Sabongari, K/Wambai, Singer, and some other market traders associations within the metropolis have informed the Police Command of their resolve on the planned protest.

“On this, the combined traders association not only disassociated themselves from such an unpatriotic plan but also made their position clear that they are not part of the ongoing political development in any way. They also reiterated that they neither have the intention to organize such a protest nor close their shops today, Monday, November 27, 2023.

“Premised on this development, the market leadership has called on their members to remain law-abiding and move on with their normal legitimate businesses, and never to be distracted or dragged into partisan politics, as doing so will only jeopardize their businesses, truncate their lawful activities, and block their sources of livelihood.

“Furthermore, the traders pledged to continue working with the Police to ensure peace and order in the state. They further maintained that without peaceful atmosphere, their businesses will not thrive.


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