Nigeria News

Kwankwaso advises senators against impeaching President Buhari

30 Jul 2022
Kwankwaso advises senators against impeaching President Buhari

Senators have been forbade from impeaching President Muhammadu Buhari by Rabiu Kwankwaso of the New Nigeria Peoples Party, NNPP.

Senators from the opposition, according to Kwankwaso, shouldn't rush to impeach Buhari.

In Ilorin, the state's capital, he spoke to Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq of Kwara State.

The former senator from Kano State urged disgruntled legislators not to upset the apple cart.

"I don't know the facts that they have," he replied. However, as their former coworker, I urge them to move extremely carefully.

“They should not be in a hurry to rock the boat. Yes, I know they have reasons to be worried – I am sure everybody in this country is worried about insecurity; because some of these things could happen to anybody – even the presidential fleet was attacked in Katsina State. So, I think we need to do more.”

The Senate Minority Caucus had left a plenary meeting because the Upper Legislative chamber had not started the impeachment process against Buhari.

The opposition wanted the Senate to deliver an impeachment notice to Buhari, but Ahmad Lawan, the Senate President, rejected their request.

The opposition has given Buhari six weeks to address the issue of insecurity in the nation notwithstanding the previous unsuccessful attempt.


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