
Lagos woman kills pregnant co-wife

03 May 2023
Lagos woman kills pregnant co-wife

For the alleged murder of her co-wife, Adizat, at her home in Alejo Street, Ijede, in the Ikorodu region of Lagos State, Fatima Rahman, 42, of the Chad Republic has been remanded to the Ikoyi Custodial Centre.

Fatima was charged with one count of murder on Tuesday in a Magistrates' Court in Yaba before Magistrate P. E. Nwaka.

When she found out that her husband had taken another wife, she is believed to have become upset.

She apparently pretended to be a nurse when she went to the pregnant woman's home and stabbed her to death.

Deep cuts were discovered on the deceased's neck and head, and a neighbour who observed her enter the house is claimed to have implicated her.

 Thomas Nurudeen, the prosecution, claims that the defendant committed the crime at 43, Alejo Street, Ijede Road, Ikorodu, Lagos State, on April 9, 2023, at around 12:40 p.m.

The charge read, “That you, Fatima Abdul Rahman, on April 9, 2023, around 12.40 pm, at 43, Alero Street, Ijede Road, Ikorodu, Lagos State in the Lagos Magisterial District did unlawfully kill one Adizat Abdul Rahman, 28-year-old, by stabbing her with a knife and thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 222 and punishable under Section 233 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, Nigeria, 2015.”

However, the defendant's plea was not accepted.

 In order to receive legal counsel from the Directorate of Public Prosecution, the prosecution asked the court to remand the defendant to a detention facility.

 The request was granted, and Nwaka remanded the woman to the Ikoyi Custodial Center seeking legal counsel.

Nwaka also postponed the case's trial date to May 25, 2023.


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