Nigeria News

LASRAB launches first comic book "The Story of Aina on Iddo Island"

12 Dec 2022
LASRAB launches first comic book "The Story of Aina on Iddo Island"

"The Story of Aina on Iddo Island," the first historical comic book, has been released by the Lagos State Records and Archives Bureau (LASRAB).

The Director General of LASRAB, Mrs. Bilikiss Adebiyi-Abiola, stated during the unveiling on Monday that the Bureau was dedicated to assuring Lagosians' interest in their cultural legacy, which is how the concept for the comic book originated.

She claimed that the purpose of the comic book-formatted story was to connect the younger generation with the accomplishments of their ancestors who gave rise to modern society and encourage them to aim high.

The purpose of the comic book, which is dedicated to all Lagosians, is to assist current and future generations of Lagosians in comprehending, enhancing, managing, and preserving their historical heritage as well as to foster an emotional connection with their past.

Aina on Iddo Island is a historical account of actual occasions that took place during the reign of the legendary Olofin. Aina was a wealthy livestock trader who was wrongfully accused of witchcraft. To exact revenge, she sought aid from the Benin kingdom.

No matter their social standing, readers of all ages will find the twists and turns in this first historical story book about Lagos to be engaging due to the vivid descriptions of some valiant and heroic actions taken by previous kings to protect the Lagos territory from invasion by outside aggression.

In order to maintain the public's interest in everything the current administration is doing to promote the THEMES agenda on Entertainment and Tourism, Adebiyi-Abiola also stated that other intriguing historical story books, such as The Story of the First Queen Mother of Lagos, are coming soon after the debut book launch.

The Director General emphasized the importance of reintroducing history as a subject to the academic curriculum because he thought that historical fiction would enlighten students' minds, aid in their understanding of the past, and inspire pride in the deeds of their historical heroes.


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