
Man caught smuggling not less than 100 live snakes in his trousers

10 Jul 2024
Man caught smuggling not less than 100 live snakes in his trousers

The country's customs administration reports that a guy was captured attempting to smuggle more than 100 live snakes into mainland China by stuffing them down his trousers. 

China Customs said in a statement on Tuesday that the unidentified traveller was halted by customs agents as he attempted to elude detection from semi-autonomous Hong Kong and enter the border city of Shenzhen.

“Upon inspection, customs officers discovered that the pockets of the trousers the passenger was wearing were packed with six canvas drawstring bags and sealed with tape,” the statement said.

“Once opened, each bag was found to contain living snakes in all kinds of shapes, sizes and colours,” it added.

According to the statement, 104 scaly reptiles—many of which were non-native species—including milk and corn snakes were taken by the cops. Two border officers could be seen in an accompanying video looking into clear plastic bags containing wriggling red, pink, and white snakes. 

China is one of the major global hotspots for animal trafficking, but in recent years, the government has toughened its enforcement of the illegal trade. 

It is against the nation's biosecurity and disease control rules for anyone to import non-native species without authorization.


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