
Marburg Virus: Epidemiologist reveals cause of virus outbreak

19 Feb 2023
Marburg Virus: Epidemiologist reveals cause of virus outbreak

Islam Annan, an epidemiology and health economics professor at Ain Shams University, issued a warning about the threat posed by the Marburg virus, which has an 80% mortality rate.

The Marburg virus has been around since 1967, and new cases are reported every year, according to Annan, who spoke on the phone with TV host Amr Adib on his show "al-Hekaya" (The Tale), which aired on the MBC Masr TV channel on Saturday.

He clarified that fruit bats are most likely to blame for the present Marburg virus outbreak in Equatorial Guinea.

Although the virus is spread by direct touch with human fluids, Annan gave the assurance that it did not spread quickly.

Moreover, the coronavirus outbreak in China in January 2020 was first suspected to have been caused by bats.

The professor claimed that efforts are being made to develop vaccinations against the Marburg virus.

He said that in 1967, after laboratory employees in Marburg were exposed to contaminated monkey tissues, the disease first manifested itself, causing outbreaks to occur simultaneously in Marburg, Germany, and Belgrade, Serbia.


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