
McDonald's set to reopen restaurants in Ukraine

11 Aug 2022
McDonald's set to reopen restaurants in Ukraine

Despite the fact that the conflict with Russia is still going on, McDonald's Corp. (MCD.N) announced on Thursday that it intends to reopen its outlets in Ukraine over the next months.

After Moscow invaded the nation of eastern Europe in March, the largest burger company in the world shut down all of its eateries there.

In Ukraine, McDonald's operated 109 locations; the company did not say how many it expected to reopen. In May, it transferred the majority of its 850 restaurants in Russia to one of its regional licensees.

Paul Pomroy, McDonald's head of foreign operating markets, wrote in a note to staff that the decision to reopen after "extensive consultation and discussion with the Ukrainian government, suppliers, and security specialists, and in consideration of our employees' request to return to work."

McDonald's stated that it was coordinating with suppliers to deliver goods to locations and bring back staff members with improved safety procedures.

The burger franchise will start reopening its eateries in Kyiv and western Ukraine, regions that have been less affected by the fighting.

In an effort to stop additional harm to its economy, the Ukrainian government launched a scheme earlier this year to move enterprises out of war-torn areas and into the west.


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