Nigeria News

NAPTIP arrests Anambra baby factory founder

05 Oct 2023
NAPTIP arrests Anambra baby factory founder

Rev. D.C. Ogo, the founder of the Arrows of God Community Children's Home in Anambra State, has been detained by the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons for allegedly engaging in unlawful child adoption.

The ministry turned up Ogo to NAPTIP officials two months after uncovering the "baby factory," according to a statement released on Wednesday by Chidinma Ikeanyionwu, the media assistant to Ify Obinabo, the commissioner for women and social welfare for the Anambra State.

Security personnel working under the ministry's direction busted the orphanage home's operations in August 2023 as a result of an investigation by journalist Fisayo Soyombo that revealed some of the facility's illicit practises.

The state Ministry of Women and Social Welfare was allegedly implicated in an unauthorised adoption of a baby girl alongside one of her registered homes in the state, according to a claim that circulated on social media and local news stations.

The orphanage home was sealed as a result of the development, and 20 children, including a newborn baby, made a full recovery. 

The statement partly reads, “The Anambra State Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare has handed over the founder of Arrows of God Community Children’s Home in Nkwelle 33, Rev D.C. Ogo, to men of the National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons for illegal adoption.

“Addressing the founder of the home in her office in Awka, Obinabo lamented over the bad image Reverend Ogo has given the state, despite the government’s numerous efforts to rid Anambra State of corrupt adoption practices.

“The commissioner, therefore, warned other community children’s home operators to desist from all forms of illegalities that will bring a bad name to the state.

“On why she carried out the adoption process, despite the commissioner’s warning, Reverend Ogo could not come up with any reasonable excuse to the question but rather said that it was her secretary, one Mr Monday, who handled the adoption.

“When she was asked why it took her two months to surface after the sealing of the home, the suspect, Rev Ogo, alleged that she was sick and hence couldn’t come when she was summoned.

“It will be recalled that Arrows of God community children’s home Nkwelle 33 has been sealed over illegal adoption where 20 children were recovered from the operator including a newborn.”


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