Nigeria News

Nigerian Air Force strikes two terrorists hideout,

06 Nov 2023
Nigerian Air Force strikes two terrorists hideout,

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) claimed that several terrorists were killed when its airstrikes struck two terror kingpin locations in the North East and North West as well as a terrorist gathering place.

However, according to a statement from Air Cdre Edward Gabkwet, director of information and public relations, there was no proof that the terrorist kingpins had died in the attacks.

According to him, airstrikes against terrorists have increased as part of "Operation Hadarin Daji" (OPHD) in the northwest and "Operation Hadin Kai" in the northeast of Nigeria.

According to the statement, insurgents, terrorists, and other criminal elements operating in the two regions do not pose a serious threat to the security of innocent citizens because of the efforts of the air, land, and other security agencies.

He said that on November 1, 2023, in the Northwest, the Air Component of OPHD carried out a number of successful airstrikes in the Kankara local government area of Katsina State, targeting the hideout of a well-known terrorist kingpin named Babaru.

Babaru has been connected to multiple acts of banditry and terrorism in Kankara and surrounding Katsina State LGAs.

He claimed that on February 2, 2023, over a hundred people from the villages of Gidan Gari and Yarmai-Yadiya in Bakori LGA were massacred. This massacre was carried out by the terror kingpin.

“The airstrikes destroyed Babaru’s hideout and eliminated several terrorists, though there was no confirmation if Babaru was among those neutralized,” he said.

The director claims that the airstrikes were also conducted at Mai Solar's enclave in Maru LGA, Zamfara State, which is home to terrorist kingpins.

“The air strikes took out clusters of enclaves used as hideouts by the kingpin and his cohorts at the location. It was a successful strike as few survivors were observed fleeing the scene of the strike. There is no confirmation if Mai Solar was among the terrorists eliminated”.


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