
Nigerian comedian, Ebiye Victor, says he's now the "King of Comedy"

17 Jul 2022
Nigerian comedian, Ebiye Victor, says he's now the "King of Comedy"

Recently turning 30, comedian, actor and MC Ebiye Victor took to his social media to announce his transition from 'Prince of Comedy to King of Comedy'.

He said: "I have decided to make the transition from prince to the king of comedy after a professional career evaluation that includes my 7 years of professional comedy work and over 27 years of making people laugh. I realized it was time to step up into that royal sphere where I belong. Ebiye is a perfect blend of the best of the best that comedy has ever seen. I've been influenced by many comedians like Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, Basketmouth, Bovi, AY, and Okey Bakassi to name a few.

I've studied their excellence over the years and watched every performance they've ever done and as a comedy addict you can tell by my excellence."

Ebiye has grown its brand over time into one that connects with other brands. He tends not to excel at his craft.

“I'm trying to help brands understand how natural my mood is, as I'm also currently a brand ambassador for Online Alaba and Yobs Kitchen and have been an influencer for over thirty brands. Because my skits are inherently funny, audiences don't get forced branding on them. I don't shove my brands in my audience's face, I use my jokes to make the audience understand why they should be patronizing my partner brands and hey, they get to laugh too!”

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