Foreign Affairs

North Korea jails two-year-old over parent's Christian faith

27 May 2023
North Korea jails two-year-old over parent's Christian faith

After a Bible was discovered in his parent's home, a two-year-old boy was reportedly given a life sentence in a North Korean labour camp.

This was made clear by the International Religious Freedom Report from the US State Department.

According to reports, the toddler's entire family was imprisoned as a result of the finding and their religious convictions.

Similar incidents of North Korean residents being murdered for upholding their Christian beliefs were also addressed in the report.

A widow and her grandchild who were executed by firing squad in 2011 were also mentioned.

Another pattern of punishments meted out to believers in the country, as indicated in the report, includes “pigeon torture”, where they were suspended with their hands tied behind their backs, unable to sit or stand for days on end.

A victim was quoted as saying, “It was the most painful of all tortures. It was so painful, I felt it was better to die.”

Others were alleged to have been subjected to sleep deprivation as a form of torture, including a lady in solitary confinement who committed herself in 2020 as a result of prison guards' refusal to allow her to sleep.

Out of a potential population of 400,000, no less than 70,000 Christians are said to have been detained for their beliefs during the Kim Jong-un regime.

According to a recent article, some North Korean Christians kept their beliefs a secret from their kids.


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