
NSCDC detains undergraduate for alleged kidnapping

27 Feb 2024
NSCDC detains undergraduate for alleged kidnapping

Anthony Oscar, a 21-year-old undergraduate, has been detained by the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Ondo State Command, on suspicion of kidnapping a 17-year-old female.

The NSCDC State Commandant, Mr. Oluyemi Ibiloye, revealed this on Tuesday in Akure as he paraded the two suspects and one other.

The victim's parents paid N50,000 in ransom to the culprit, according to the commandant.

He added that the tactical team of the command apprehended the suspect on February 17 at his Calabar, Cross River State, home.

He claims that Anthony, who lives at 31 Jordan St., Ikot Ishie, Calabar, Cross River, is an expert in kidnapping teenagers and holding them hostage.

“On Jan. 30, 2024, a complaint of their missing 17-year-old daughter, Araba Joy Temitope, was reported at the NSCDC headquarters by Mr and Mrs Araba Alaba of number 24, Double Taiwo St., Ijoka, in Akure.

“Temitope (victim) has been reported missing since January 24, 2024, while returning home from her school, Elibest College of Education, Oba-Ile, in Akure North Local Government Area of the state.

“On Jan. 30, the command issued a ‘Missing Person Statement’ to the press for whoever knows her whereabouts to contact the parents or the command at the contact numbers.

“On Feb. 6, seven days after the command’s press release, a phone number, which was later identified to be that of Oscar, notified the parents of the missing girl that their daughter was in his camp for rehabilitation.

“And he (suspect) demanded for N50,000 to be sent to Monie Point Microfinance bank account No. 8162041939 and that their daughter would be released,” he said.

Ibiloye clarified that the suspect's cell phone number was tracked, leading to his detention, and that the command had launched a sting operation, ordering the victim's parents to pay the specified sum.


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