Nigeria News

Osun youths protest insecurity, high cost of living

09 Feb 2024
Osun youths protest insecurity, high cost of living

On Friday, a group of young people in Osogbo, Osun State, peacefully protested against the growing expense of living and demanded action from the government.

The demonstrators gathered along MDS Road, Osogbo extremely early. They brandished signs bearing messages such as "change the unfavourable policies," "Nigerians are suffering, we can't cope again," and "We are humans, stop mistreating the citizens."

The youth continued singing songs that expressed the discontent of many Nigerians caused by the difficult economic conditions, despite the significant number of police officers stationed in the vicinity of the protest site.

Speaking to the demonstrators, Mr. Waheed Lawal, the chairman of the Osun Civil Societies Coalition, declared that the protests would go on until the federal government found a way to alleviate the severe economic conditions plaguing the nation..

He said, “Government must ameliorate the suffering of the people. They must do whatever they need to do to make sure that the people live in better conditions.

“Nigerians deserve the best. They promised us renewed hope but what they are giving us now is renewed hardship. We reject renewed hardship in our lives, and in our economy because Nigerians deserve the best.

“What Nigerians want is a peaceful atmosphere. We don’t want insecurity in our land again. We can’t travel from Osogbo to Ibadan without panicking. You will be thinking that they will kidnap you.


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