
PDP leader, Senator Iyorchia Ayu calls for unity amongst party members

02 Jun 2022
PDP leader, Senator Iyorchia Ayu calls for unity amongst party members

 The national leader of the People's Democratic Party (PDP), Sen. Iyorchia Ayu, has called on all former presidential aspirants, party leaders and members to work together for the PDP to win the 2023 general election. On Wednesday in Abuja while presenting the PDP flag and certificate of return to Atiku Abubakar, the party's presidential candidate, Ayu said that the primary election just concluded was just a small PDP family competition, in which there was no winner and no loser, only the party won. Ayu believed that Abubakar would emerge victorious in the February 2023 elections and described him as a trusted Nigerian who will reunify the country and rebuild its economy. He also said that Abubakar will tackle insecurity, strengthen the armed forces and give Nigeria the respect it deserves in the international community. Abubakar, shortly after receiving his return certificate, said his emergence was a victory for the party and many Nigerians.

The former vice president, who described his victory as a collective effort by all, called for support from all PDP families and Nigerians for victory in 2023. "While I am excited and happy for this opportunity to fly our party's flag again, we should all remember that what has just happened is a competition within a family to decide how to do our best." 

“The main competition is to win the presidency of our country for our party. It will require the entire PDP family and other supporters and sympathizers.


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