
Peter Obi visits Southern Borno, promises to end insecurity

27 Jan 2023
Peter Obi visits Southern Borno, promises to end insecurity

In an effort to win the Labour Party's nomination for president of Nigeria, Peter Obi paid a visit to Biu Emirate, which is located in Borno State's southern region.

In the nine local government areas of southern Borno, including Chibok, Gwoza, Hawul, Askira Uba, he was welcomed and made a vow to put an end to insecurity.

In his speech, Obi, along with his running mate Datti Baba-Ahmed, the chairman of the Labour Party, Julius Abure, the candidate for governor, Ibrahim Mshelia, the event's coordinator, Isaac Balami, the deputy national campaign manager, and other campaign stalwarts, pledged to allay the sufferings and dry the tears of the residents of southern Borno brought on by Boko Haram insurgents.

Obi said, “I am one of you and feel your plight. I know that you are all hardworking and want to go back to your farms. I am giving you my word that this insecurity issue will be a thing of the past in my administration and I will ensure that my government gives you the best of life. Thank you for everything you have done for the country and I will never forget you. A new Nigeria is possible!”

Mshelia, the party's candidate for governor in the state and a native of Hawul LGA in Southern Borno, guaranteed the gathering that if Obi were elected president and he were elected governor, security would be restored and the state's economic activity would increase. He came to the conclusion that he would not let the Borno people down as a son of the soil.

Isaac Balami, the event's coordinator, expressed his happiness that Nigerians were working hard to enthrone the Obi-Datti mandate. Balami also serves as the Labour Party chairman's senior special adviser on presidential campaign matters, fundraising, and grassroots mobilization.


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