Nigeria News

Police arrest prankster in Abuja over threatening video pranks

04 Jul 2024
Police arrest prankster in Abuja over threatening video pranks

A prankster in Abuja was taken into custody by the Nigeria Police Force's National Cybercrime Centre for his menacing video practical jokes. 

The joker was taken into custody at a flat in the Wuye neighbourhood of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), according to a statement released on Thursday in Abuja by ACP Olumuyiwa Adejobi, the Force Public Relations Officer. 

He claimed that the suspect was accused of committing horrible crimes, including rape, in recordings that went viral on social media and led to the suspect's arrest.

According to a police spokesman, social media users were deeply alarmed by the footage. 

He mentioned that the suspect had stated that the videos were pre-planned and that he was trying to get back into the spotlight following a hiatus.

”Regardless, such actions have serious implications and cannot be taken lightly,” the force PRO said.

According to Adejobi, the Nigeria Police Force is still dedicated to upholding public safety and making sure those who cause fear or disrupt peace are held responsible for their acts. 

As a result, he issued a warning to content producers and pranksters to follow the law and to avoid pulling practical jokes that could endanger public safety or national security. 

The Nigeria Police Force is taking the appropriate legal measures in this situation, and the police spokesman advised the public to maintain their composure.


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