Nigeria News

Police arrest Rivers landlord who fled after cutting tenant with machete

14 Nov 2023
Police arrest Rivers landlord who fled after cutting tenant with machete

A man only known as Alabo was taken into custody by Rivers State Police Command officers after he cut a couple who were tenants at Ekwulobia Street in Mile 3, Diobu, Port Harcourt, with a machete.

Detectives from the Azikiwe Police Division apprehended Alabo.

After the incident, he fled, but after several months, he was found.

The landlord is accused of carrying out the act on May 15, 2023, following the lady's rejection of his advances for love.

Alabo's arrest was confirmed by the female tenant, Comfort Nwagadi, in an interview with journalists.

Nwagadi remembered how, on the day of the incident, Alabo ambushed her as soon as she entered the compound.

She said, “He used a machete on me because I rejected his sexual advances.

“I went out at night with my husband and came back around some minutes past 8:00 pm.

“We had no idea he was hiding at the entrance with a machete. As we entered he started using the machete on me.

“My husband tried to rescue me, but he also cut his hand. Since then, my husband and I cannot make use of our hands.

“I want the case to be charged to court for the sake of justice.

“We stayed in the hospital for two weeks and three days. He is currently in Illoabuchi Police Station.”

According to information obtained by DAILY POST, the case file was subsequently moved from the Azikiwe Police Division to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCID) per the former Commissioner of Police's order.


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