
Police nabs vigilante commander with human skulls in Rivers

04 Jul 2024
Police nabs vigilante commander with human skulls in Rivers

At his hideout in Omoku, the state's headquarters of the Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni Local Government Area, Felix Nwaobakata, the chief of a local vigilante group, was found in possession of two human skulls and other parts, according to the Rivers State Police Command. 

Additionally, the police reported that seven additional members of the local security organisation were detained for various offences, including murder, by their agents as part of a crackdown on the excesses of vigilante groups operating in the state. 

This was revealed in a statement released on Wednesday in Port Harcourt, the state capital, by Grace Iringe-Koko, the spokesperson for the State Police Command.

According to Iringe-Koko, Nwaobakata, the Commander of the ONELGA Security and Peace Advisory Committee, also known by the codename OSPAC, is a prime suspect in the May 1, 2024, murder of two brothers in Idu, Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni LGA of the state, on the grounds that they were abductors. 

The statement said that Nwaobakata and other OSPAC members were arrested in response to multiple complaints regarding their activities throughout the state, particularly in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni LG. 

It further stated that the group's members had recently attacked an Omoku police division and engaged in combat with other security agencies.


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