
Police close down Ogun digital market

15 Sep 2023
Police close down Ogun digital market

On Friday morning, heavily armed policemen stormed the popular phone and digital market known as Tarmac in the Panseke neighbourhood of Abeokuta, Ogun State, and ordered the traders to leave because there was a court order requiring them to do so.

Some of the vendors highlighted that there had been repeated instances of land speculators showing up and asking them to leave the market, putting their livelihoods in danger.

Akeem Oyeyemi, a merchant, claimed that the police arrived early on Friday to eject them from their establishments after displaying a court order that they were unaware of.

“What happened was that this morning around 5 am, we received a call that about 200 police men have invade tarmac with about 20 cars which our chairman also informed us that we should start coming. At around 6 a.m., we were all gathered here and went to the Olubara’s palace.

“From the palace, we came back here to meet the police to ask what happened. On getting here, the police showed us a court order asking them to lockup Tarmac but we told them that there was no notice of any court order given to us because we believed that if there was a need to lock this place up, we should be informed but we did not know anything.

“So we decided that we should be allowed to open our stores but the police started shooting which made everyone to run for their lives. Till this moment we were not allowed to open our stores,” Oyeyemi said.


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